
adult colouring

magical Jungle by Johanna Basford polychromos and  

jasart artist, derwent artist, polychromos and Albrecht durer pencils pastel for sky on canson 220gsm
polychromos pencils pastels and pastel pencils
polychromos and pastels
polychromos some pastels and albrecht durer  for sky Pitt artist pens for grass
polychromos pencils with pastels for background
polychromos and pastels for background
polychromos with minimal help from prismacolours Vogue colouring book
pastel pencils
polychromos prisma colours lyra polycolours

primarily polychromos a little help from lyra polycolours pitt pastel pencils and albrecht durer WC pencils
polychromos, prismacolour (white prisma over green albrecht durer for background), Lyra polycolours, Pitt pastel pencil for final details artist edition of the secret garden blended with baby oil
polychromos pencils and lyra polycolours
polychromos pencils
100% Polychromos all about colour blending
Faber-castell polycromos pencils on a base of Faber-castell albrecht durer watercolour pencils and final blend with Lyra polycolours from Rembrandt"60's patterns" book
faber-castell polycromos pencils on a base of Faber-castell albrecht durer watercolour pencils and final blend with Lyra polycolours from Rembrandt Zen animals book
faber-castell polychromos' albrecht durer and lyra polycolours by Rembrandt
faber-castell polychromos' albrecht durer and lyra polycolours by Rembrandt
Faber-castell classic colours blended with baby oil
faber-castell Pitt Artist Pens over FC watercolour pencils (kids quality)

Tim holtz distress markers over water colour pencils (kids quality) back ground spectrum noir pen

Faber castell classic colours blended with baby oil background spectrum noir pen

sharpie ultra fines with spectrum noir pens

Tim Holtz distress markers over FC watercolour pencils (kids quality) background spectrum noir pens

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